Maternity and Newborn Photography

How to start photographing newborns


Photographing a newborn session requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a focus on the baby’s safety and comfort. Here are some steps and tips from Maternity and Newborn Photography to help you conduct a newborn session on your own:

1. Safety First:

  • Always prioritize the safety and comfort of the newborn. Be gentle and handle the baby with care.
  • Make sure the room is warm enough for the baby, as newborns are more sensitive to temperature changes.
  • Avoid using any props or poses that could potentially harm or discomfort the baby.

2. Preparation:

  • Schedule the session during the baby’s sleepiest time, usually within the first two weeks of life.
  • Have a checklist of poses and setups you want to try, but remain flexible as babies may not always cooperate.

3. Equipment:

  • Use a camera with a good low-light performance, such as a DSLR or mirrorless camera.
  • Select a variety of lenses, including a macro lens for close-ups and a prime lens for a natural look.
  • A tripod can be helpful for stability, especially if you’re shooting with slower shutter speeds.

4. Lighting:

  • Utilize natural light whenever possible. Place the baby near a large window with soft, diffused light.
  • If using artificial lighting, use softboxes or diffusers to create a gentle, flattering light.

5. Posing and Props:

  • Keep poses simple and natural. Focus on capturing the baby’s features and expressions.
  • Use soft, neutral-colored blankets and wraps for a timeless and classic look.
  • Incorporate meaningful props, such as toys or blankets gifted by the parents.

6. Patience and Flexibility:

  • Newborns can be unpredictable, so be patient and take breaks as needed.
  • Be open to capturing spontaneous moments and expressions.

7. Communication:

  • Discuss the session with the parents beforehand to understand their preferences and any specific ideas they may have.
  • Keep parents involved and informed throughout the session.

8. Post-Processing:

  • After the session, use photo editing software to enhance and retouch images as needed.
  • Maintain a consistent style for a cohesive look in the final gallery.

9. Legal and Ethical Considerations:

  • Obtain written consent from parents for photographing their baby, especially if you plan to use the images for promotional purposes.
  • Respect privacy and confidentiality.


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10. Continuous Learning:

  • Stay updated on newborn photography techniques and safety guidelines.
  • Attend workshops or courses to improve your skills.

Remember, newborn photography requires a combination of technical skill, creativity, and sensitivity. If you’re new to newborn photography, consider assisting or observing an experienced photographer before conducting sessions on your own.